Thursday, July 20, 2017

Snug as a bug in a rug

This is someone who feels very cozy, warm and comfortable. 

”My little brother was as snug as a bug in a rug in his new room.”

Hit the road

To hit the road is to begin a journey.  (‘Hit the trail’ is also used.) 

“We should hit the road early tomorrow morning if we want to reach the seashore before evening.”

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Head is in the clouds

If a person has his head in the clouds, he has unrealistic and impractical ideas.  

“Don’t consult him about your problem, his head is in the clouds.”

High-wire act

 A high-wire act 
A high-wire act is a dangerous or risky strategy, plan, task, etc

”Our new marketing plan is a high-wire act.”

High spirits

To be in high spirits is to have much energy, to be cheerful. 

”The children were in high spirits as they prepared for the summer camp.”

Monday, July 17, 2017

Hide/bury one's head in the sand

To hide/bury one’s head in the sand is to intentionally keep yourself from knowing or discussing something dangerous or unpleasant.  

“She doesn’t like to talk about the accident. She hides her head in the sand whenever the topic comes up.”

Herding cats

This is a task that is extremely difficult or impossible to do, due to one or more variables being in flux and uncontrollable.  

“When I accepted the assignment I didn’t know that I’d be herding cats.”

Friday, July 14, 2017

Heart of gold

One who has a heart of gold is a genuinely kind, caring, and generous person. 

             “Mother Theresa had a heart of gold.”


Hear on the grapevine

To hear something through the grapevine is to receive hearsay information (rumor or gossip).  

“I heard on the grapevine that we will have a salary increase within the year.”

Head shrinker

A head shrinker is a psychiatrist.  

“The boy was traumatized. He had to see a head shrinker after the accident.”